Dear Redds,
On November 1, 2013, I attended a Family History Conference at Brigham Young University in behalf of the Redd Family Organization. My primary purpose of attending the conference was to learn about, a website that allows a genealogist to organize his or her research logs all in one place. In addition, I was notified that I would be given a free half-hour consultation with a family history expert. So I went to the conference and attended the consultation along with two other Redd family invites, Melanie Mayer, daughter of Dr. A. Mason Redd, and Christopher Utley, a professional genealogist. It was during this consultation that we explained what we knew about our Redd family origins. When we told the consultant that one of our Redd ancestors had the given name of Whitaker, she told us that Whitaker was an unusual given name and that it might have been a family surname. She then suggested that we look for anyone with the surname of Whitaker in the counties that our Redds lived in.
I got home late that night but elated to have another research strategy. I went to the internet the next day and started looking for any Whitakers that might be tied to our Redds. My initial searches came up empty but somehow I found a website that mentioned that there were two indentured servants that lived in Chesterfield County, Virginia that intermarried and they were named John Rudd and Avis Whitaker. The website is: Even though John’s surname was spelled Rudd, I thought that it was still possible that our family surname might have been Rudd at one time. It was then that I decided to check and see if there was anyone out there that could prove their relation to John and Avis Rudd and at the same time have had their Y-DNA results to compare against our Redd family members that have already tested.
My thoughts naturally turned to the DNA testing effort being spearheaded by Dr. Mason Redd. I’m grateful for all the work he is doing in finding more people to test. I just reread the Redd Alert newsletters and loved reading about Mason’s contacts in England. Too bad we haven’t matched any Redds there so far.
I didn’t know exactly how Dr. Redd was keeping track of all of the Y-DNA data so I decided to put together a spreadsheet of what I’ve been able to find on the internet. My sources for my spreadsheet come from three websites:,, and Y-search and FamilyTree DNA websites are connected. Ysearch is the public search tool mainly for those who tested with FamilyTreeDNA. Users of FTDNA can export their results directly to Y-search, while everyone else has to manually input their data. The FTDNA website only displays public DNA results through their surname projects. I just happened to find one for the Redd family and was delighted to learn that Mason is the administrator of that project. SMGF was a popular DNA testing institution that was founded by James L. Sorensen, but since his passing, SMGF has discontinued taking new samples and now owns the rights to their DNA related assets.
While putting together my spreadsheet and searching on, I was amazed to find there a Mr. Rudd that matched Dr. Mason Redd’s DNA markers perfectly. Not only that, Mr. Rudd also posted a family tree and at the top of his family tree, he shows a relationship to John Rudd and Avis Whitaker . If this Mr. Rudd is truly their descendant, then it must means that our Redds tie into his family tree sometime in that era. It’s possible that our William Redd of Nansemond County, Virginia might have been a son, nephew, or cousin of John and Avis, but more research will need to be done to confirm this.
Another discovery I found while making my spreadsheet was learning that DNA submitted by a Mr. Joseph Reed to FamilyTree DNA shows that he is a good genetic match to our Utah Redds. In addition to that, he was able to prove that his ancestor Andrew Reed (1809-1867) was born in Ireland. Could our Redds possibly come from there instead of England and Scotland? No matter what country our Redds emigrated from it is safe to say that they came from the British Isles.
Tom Brown, Great-Grandson of Benjamin Franklin Redd, Sr.
P.S. For those Redd family members interested in viewing the spreadsheet I put together, it is available for download on The spreadsheet does not list all Y-DNA markers, just the ones that I found that mismatched with the entire group.
Hello fellow Redds: I am also researching the Redd family on both sides of the color spectrum. I believe my great-grandfather was enslaved by either William Redd or Albert Gresham Redd of Columbus Ga area.Anderson Redd my great-grand was listed as a mulatto as well as his children on the 1880 federal census. This was in Muscogee co Ga.I have information on the Redd family of Onslow co. such as wills children of the different branches of this family. Laura Rush was one of my contact but we lost our connection.
Frank R Wooten
None of those Redd names sound familiar but if you feel that you are connected to our Redd family, I would suggest asking one of your male Redd relatives to get their Y DNA tested at or get an autosomal test for yourself at the same company or at If your DNA matches us then it would be safe to say that we are related. Thanks for your comment.
Tom Brown
About the Irish question, some of the people escaping the British civil wars went to Ireland. I believe there is a book on the Rudds of Ireland.
The whittakers Jabez and William had a sister Jane i believe who, with her husband went to Ireland. He was killed. The two brothers came to early Jamestown where Alexander was Apostle of Jamestown and Jabez had a plantation on Barbados if I remember right.
Is in notes on FB group Redds of New Harmony.
That doesn’t show Redds but the people moved from Ireland to Scotland often and maybe so from Wales and England/
I watched a program on cable this month about St Patrick and how he kept the records of the church-the Bibles safe for 500 years during some wars in Europe.
What was going on around them historically may then hold clues?
I am a descendant of the Gresham – Redd family of Greene Co., & Columbus, GA.
In particular I am looking to find the mother of Elizabeth Gresham Redd. She was married to Capt. Charles Anderson Redd. They lived in Columbus, GA & are both buried in Linwood Cemetery – Columbus. Elizabeth’s father was Maj. Davis Gresham, Rev. War, b. 1755 – Orange Co., NC, d. 1819 in GA, but I have not been able to find anything on her mother. Would appreciate any help you could give me.
I’m not a Redd, but your DNA commentary on John Rudd and Avis Whitaker certainly nails down her place in my tree. Thank you!